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Основные правила поведения ВМХ-ра

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Старый 16.06.2010, 20:00   #1
Регистрация: 03.06.2010
Сообщений: 5
Основные правила поведения ВМХ-ра
Если все будут нормально общаться, то и кататься будет намного приятнее. 1. Никогда не ржать когда у другого не получается трюк, который ты умеешь делать лучше него, лучше подойди и обьясни как его делать. Может получиться и такое, что в будующем он научиться лучше тебя и не будет помогать тебе в освоении трюков, которые для него легкие, а для тебя сложные. 2. Если твой друг делает трюк, который ему кажется интересным, а ты думаешь что этот трюк фигня. То ненадо усмехаться и говорить "типа ты чо парень такую шнягу мутишь это же не прикольно" многие трюки смотрятся не сильно красиво, но тем не менее их сложно выполнять. Даже простой стрёмный трюк тренирует координацию и ты со временем начинаешь лучше чувствовать байк. Так что не ссы выполнять простые трюки. (все с этого начинали) 3. Не обсирай тех кто плохо катается, но стремится к тому чтобы заниматься этим всю жизнь и стать прорайдером. Вместо этого обосри большого понтодела да так чтоб завалило его по самые уши и чтоб из его задней втулки выпали все подшипники, а рама приобрела форму санок. Но этого обычно не делают, а просто избегают их тем самым не пытаясь их научить чему либо. (Я например таких за версту вижу) 4. Не стесняйся и спрашивай тех кто лучше тебя катается, как сделать этот трюк. ( например я не обламаюсяобъяснить если кто-то попросит меня научить его какому нибудь трюка, я наооборот буду рад, так что спрашивайте) 5. Если кто-тго сделал фишку и спросил вас как по качеству он её сделал, то отвечайте прямо, где плохо где хорошо. Если вы сделали фишку плохо, а тебе сказали что хорошо, то ты в будующем будеш её также делать и она будет беспонтово смотреться. ( К примеру мы с Johny всегда советуемся и я этому очень рад и вообще катаясь с ним вместе мы обмениваемся опытом - это КЛЁВО) 6. Не тупи - это смешно!! )) 7. Не плюй через руль, а то в скором будующем перелетишь через него. (Это реальная примета по мне так она действует) Когда едешь в толпе не плюй назад, а то утопишь ближнего своего. 8. Не ломай чужие байки, а то внезапно сломается твой. ( 9. Не думай что ты сейчас проколишь свою камеру, а то это действительно случиться. 10. Не давай всяким отморозкам (гопникам) прокатиться на своем байке, это может вызвать пропажу твоего байка. 11. Бей гопников сильнее!!!! 12. Вози с собой инструмент!! Хоть он тебе не понадобится, но понадобится твоему другу. А то получиться что в момент когда ты решил покорить очередную грань, к которой ты психологически готовился 2 недели у тебя открутится пега а ключа ни у кого нет.
Никита Никитенко
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Старый 16.06.2010, 21:32   #2
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О как.) Учите основы этики, джентельмены.)
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Старый 16.06.2010, 21:36   #3
Регистрация: 25.04.2010
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Штрафных баллов: 10/10
¦777¦ вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 16.06.2010, 21:40   #4
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♥Оχעәвшặя үדķǻ♥
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Старый 16.06.2010, 22:05   #5
candy bar
Регистрация: 02.06.2010
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candy bar
Штрафных баллов: 2/10
ну и 13:Никогда не копируй правила,каторые уже все читали!!!!
Cтрит сила
candy bar вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 07:19   #6
Регистрация: 14.11.2009
Адрес: br sity
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sheggy~ вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 07:44   #7
Регистрация: 27.03.2010
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если честно мне срать на эти правила...
HeKuT вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 08:58   #8
Штурман Moisei
Регистрация: 22.06.2009
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Штурман Moisei
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Старый 17.06.2010, 13:01   #9
Регистрация: 13.07.2009
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типо хочешь, чтобы тему закрепили? я эти правила уже видел на множестве других сайтов, это полый
ALK вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 13:02   #10
Регистрация: 03.06.2010
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я чё должен дрочить под чужую дудку?
Он следит за тобой
Ea1 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 14:12   #11
Регистрация: 05.04.2008
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Правила "поведения в обществе придуманы давно" нет смысла придумывать из снова.
Форум bmx.ru забанен на 30 дней. Причина: грязь и срачь на форуме.
jura555 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 14:41   #12
Quick QuicK
Регистрация: 13.04.2009
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Quick QuicK
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А библия бээмиксера есть?
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Старый 17.06.2010, 14:58   #13
Регистрация: 24.03.2008
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...многие наивно полагают, что для них, таких особенных, как и все остальные, сумбурное поведение -
отличный способ продемонстрировать себя с лучшей стороны.
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Старый 17.06.2010, 15:03   #14
Регистрация: 05.04.2008
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Вот о чем думают буржуи. Переводить не стал. Учим англ. язык.

Street Etiquette

Street riding is supposed to be a little illegal and a little dangerous but if you start acting like a jerk everywhere you go soon people will go out of their way to have BMX banned.

Don't Fight With Security:

Riding most street spots around the city follows a pattern: you ride for 20 minutes, the security guards come out and ask you to leave, you say "yes sir" and move on to the next spot. It's a ritual that keeps on going year after year until one 'tough guy' gives security a hard time, then they don't wait 20 minutes, instead they kick you out right away. Then someone breaks something or gets in a fight with the security guards and the spot becomes a bust. If you give security enough problems they will react by calling the cops the minute you show up or by putting skate stoppers on everything. Just look at Downtown Vancouver.

Don't Make Your Spot A Hang Out:

Street riding is all about the hit and run. If you hit a spot for 5 or 10 minutes and leave no one will even know that you were there. If you want to hang out go to the 7-11 or something. If your spots become hangouts with garbage around and dudes hanging out and causing a disturbance the city will get complaints and will go out of their way to make your spot unridable.

Put Stuff Back Where You Found It:

If you move a picnic table or a newspaper box to make a fun spot put it back where you found it when you are done. Don't ruin a good spot for everyone else because you're too lazy.

Make New Spots:

If you really want to support your local scene get out there in the night and remove some of those skate stoppers and take some of your ledges back. Or get out some quickcrete and make something happen. Some of the best spots ever were created with a little strategic modification to an existing spot.

Trail Etiquette

So you've got a new bike and you're ready to ride some trails... You've heard about some local dirt jumps in the woods nearby and you want to check it out... How do you ride someone else's trails with out pissing them off?

One thing to realize is this... most bmx riders are pretty cool people. They want to see new people get into the sport and they like to see kids come in and progress. Everybody knows what it's like to start out. All you have to do is show people a little respect and they will quickly learn that you are one of the cool kids. Trail riders are a bit sensitive about their trails for good reason. When you ride your own trails you spend about 50% of your time digging, 25% of your time riding and the other 25% of your time watching other people ride the jumps you built, sometimes without lifting a finger to help you out. If you can ride with out making more work for the trail builder, or even better help out a bit, people will be glad to see you when you show up to the trails.

Be Cool To The Locals:

When you show up to a set of trails without knowing anybody, talk to the locals, ask them who built the trails, ask them if it's ok for you to ride their trails. Don't be afraid to ask someone about the lines or how much speed you need to clear a jump. Remember that people have spent hours and hours building the jumps and are doing you a favor by giving everyone a cool place to ride. If you see a way you can lend a hand then do it. Help someone move some dirt or pick up some garbage, whatever.

Don't Shape A Jump:

If you are riding someone's trails and you see them moving some dirt, do your part, help them move some dirt around or help build up a landing that's been knocked down but don't start shaping a lip or start building a roller in the middle of a 6 pack. Most people have a master plan that they've been working towards for years. The people that have built the trails are the ones who are qualified to decide how steep to make the lips and how big the jumps should be. If you are helping at someone else's trails stick to the grunt work.

Fix What You Break:

When you try a kick-out over a set and your back tire rips the side of the landing off, go back and fix it. Most of the time you can just kick the dirt back into place and stomp it down with your feet to get the landing back into shape for the next guy. Sometimes you need to move some dirt to put things right.

Save The Lip At All Costs:

If something goes wrong and you know you aren't going to clear the next set, don't ride over the lip. It takes a long time to make the lip perfect so it's up to you do sacrifice yourself to save the jump. Either avoid the jump altogether, jump it anyway and crash onto the landing, do a fakie air back into the landing, or in extreme cases let go of your bike and ghost ride it.

Never Fill In A Double:

This is the scourge of the trails, you spend all day building a cool six pack and you come back a couple of days only to find that one of the sets has been knocked down, the hole is filled in and it's been made into a table top. Basically someone was scared to jump the double but also too lazy to build their own jumps so they ruin what someone spent a bunch of time making. The fastest way to get banned from someone's trails is rip down their jumps. If you want smaller jumps go build your own.

Never Tear Down An Old Jump To Make A New One:

This is basically the same thing as above. I know it's way easier to tear down someone else's jump than to haul in your own dirt... That's because they have already done all the hard work! Go and get your own dirt. Would you rather have one or two jumps that people keep tearing down and re-building or would you rather have woods filled with jumps. This should be obvious.

Never Ride When It's Wet:

If you ride wet jumps they get big grooves in them and ruts in the landings, when they finally dry out they "cement" with all the ruts still in them and basically have to be torn apart and fixed. Don't do it!

Take Your Garbage With You:

That kentucky fried chicken bucket might not seem like a big deal but when the neighbors see a bunch of trash lying around and call the city workers in, the next time you go to ride you'll be riding flatland because the jumps will be gone. It takes a long time to build good trails but it only takes half and hour for some dude in a backhoe to knock them down.

Build Your Own Trails

If you want smaller jumps or different jumps or you think that the locals couldn't build a lip to save their lives build your own. Nothing will give you respect for someone's trails like having your own.

Skatepark Etiquette

When you hit the local skatepark for the first time there are some things to remember that will help you avoid any tense moments. Normally if you're at a public park you end up riding with other bikers, skaters, rollerbladers and kids on scooters. Sometimes the skateboarders will try to give you attitude but don't let them get you down. If the local skaters don't like BMX it might be because the last BMXer that rode there cut them off or was a jerk, or maybe they are just old heshers that are going to be salty no matter what anyone does.

Understand The Lines: Don't just show up and start riding, watch the action for a while until you know where people are going and what the lines are. If you understand where people are going when they drop in then you will know if you are going to be in the way. Sometimes people like to transfer from ramp to ramp and will have to bail if you drop into the ramp that they want to land on. Also try to start your runs where everyone else starts, it's a lot easier for people to tell if you are going to take a run if you're not all the way on the other side of the park.

Bikes Are Silent: Don't expect skaters to know that you've dropped in, they are used to being able to hear other skaters coming by the sound of their wheels. Give them lots of room when possible.

Don't Be A "Snake": People riding at the skatepark usually line up somehow and drop in one after another. If you drop in and cut someone else off, or you are taking every second run when there are 8 people trying to ride, you are being a snake. Some people will snake by not looking before they just drop in, they just expect other people to get out of the way. These people usually suffer the head on collisions because they didn't see the 200lb skater drop into the other side of the ramp. Other people will drop in on you when you are half finished your run. Remember, everyone has some close calls once in a while but if this happens to you more than once a session then you may be a snake.

Don't Block A Line: If you wipe out, don't lay there in the bottom of the bowl for 5 minutes, get out immediately. If you are going to lay there on the flat bottom and make everyone wait for you you'd better have a broken bone or something. I have seen people with concussions pull themselves and their bikes out of the park.

Don't Ride Around In Circles, AKA "Shark": Some people will go to the skatepark and instead of stopping in between runs they circle, endlessly carving around waiting to drop in again. It's like they start riding and they never stop. It is next to impossible to tell if someone like that is going to keep carving around or if they are going to suddenly start sprinting towards the same ramp as you. Keep one foot on the ground and your bars turned until you are ready to go.

When You Put A Foot Down Your Run Is Over: This is an old unwritten rule from back in the day. When a bunch of people are skating or riding a ramp they drop in and keep skating until they fall or decide to stop. Then the next person drops in. Often while the other person is still getting out of the flat bottom. When you are riding a skatepark on a BMX follow the same rule. When you fall or put a foot down your run is over. As soon as other people see that foot go down on the deck they are dropping in. If you drop back in again somebody is going to get a nasty surprize.

Don't Stand There Doing Nothing: If you aren't riding go to the side and sit down somewhere out of the way. There's nothing more annoying that waiting to drop in while two people stand on the funbox talking. A skatepark is for riding and a ledge is not a bench, if you are not riding then get out of the way.

Keep Liquid Off The Ramps: This is pretty obvious. If i crash because I rode through a puddle of some kids Pepsi I'm going to be pretty pissed off. Furthermore, if your drink has a cap, keep it tight.

Keep Your Tires Clean: If you've never skated then you don't know the 'pleasure' of coming to a dead stop instantly because your little skateboard wheel hit a pebble. Or the pain of having your wheels wash out because you hit a bunch of sand on a landing. Don't be the BMXer that rides in the mud and then tracks all that dirt into the skatepark. Leave that to the MTBers. We all hate people who drag dirt into the park for good reason.

The next time you go to the skatepark try not to be the rider that everyone there hates, if you have respect for other riders then they will have respect for you too.
Форум bmx.ru забанен на 30 дней. Причина: грязь и срачь на форуме.
jura555 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2010, 15:06   #15
Регистрация: 24.03.2008
Сообщений: 4,167
Лучше бы ты перевёл, некоторые не в ладах с инглишем, зато тем, кому следует прочесть, уловят суть текста.)
Форум-то чей русский.
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